Asterisk 1.4 and NVFaxDetect

Asterisk 1.4 and NVFaxDetect


I was recently working with Justin Newman from Newman Telecom to get NVFaxDetect 1.0.6 working with a customer’s Asterisk/FreePBX installation. If anyone needs additional help, our company can assist with this task.

The directions below apply to NVFaxDetect and many other Newman Telecom modules, when used with Asterisk 1.4, including NVBackgroundDetect, NVLineDetect, NVMachineDetect, and many others.

Newman Telecom recently sold off the rights to many of it’s modules. These modules can be acquired or purchased from leading online VOIP equipment and software vendors.

No changes are required for Asterisk 1.0 or earlier. Comments have already been posted on adapting the modules to Asterisk 1.2.

Source Modifications

For each respective source file, you will need to do the following.
Always backup files prior to changing them!

(To comment out lines, just add “//” (without the quotes) at the beginning of the line. For example, “//LOCAL_USER_ADD(u);” is commented out.)

  1. Search for and comment out all lines with: “LOCAL_USER_ADD(u);”.
  2. Search for and comment out all lines with: “LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u);”.
  3. Search for and comment out all lines with: “STANDARD_HANGUP_LOCALUSERS;”.
  4. Add the following line to the very end of the file (change the second parameter/description to something that is applicable):
    1. “AST_MODULE_INFO_STANDARD(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, “Fax Detection Application”);”.
  5. Save the modified files.


After making all of your modifications, you will need to install the updated module. This follows the standard installation instructions.

Please do not attempt installation on live production systems without a fallback plan in place.

  1. Type “cd /usr/src/asterisk” (or respective Asterisk directory)
  2. Build Modules: Type “make”.
  3. Install Modules: If the build is successful, type “make install”.
  4. Restart Asterisk: When Asterisk is running, you can do this from your shell prompt with “asterisk -rx “restart now””. Be careful if you have calls active, as this will drop them immediately. If Asterisk is not running, skip to the next step.
  5. If Asterisk is running, type “asterisk -vvvvr”. If Asterisk is not running, type “asterisk -vvvvc”. The CLI should appear.
  6. Verify Module: From the Asterisk CLI, type “core show application <app name>” (app name = NVFaxDetect or respective Newman Telecom module). If it shows the module’s help, you are in business.

If you run into any problems, temporarily remove the module from the modules directory and restart Asterisk.